Sierra Leone Medical and Dental Association

the professional life of Doctors

The SLMDA is the organization for all doctors and dentists in Sierra Leone

the professional life of Doctors

The Sierra Leone Medical and Dental Association is the organization for all doctors and dentists in Sierra Leone

about us

We are contributing optimally to the health and well-being of society.

Welcome to the Sierra Leone Medical and Dental Association (SLMDA), a dynamic organization representing over 900 dedicated medical and dental practitioners throughout Sierra Leone. Our members are spread across all sixteen districts of the country, bringing together a diverse spectrum of professionals in the field. From Consultants and Researchers to Academicians and Specialists, as well as other Residents, Medical Officers, and House Officers all registered under the Medical and Dental Council of Sierra Leone, our membership encompasses a wide range of expertise and experience.

Dentists committed to the enhancement of the professional and personal development of its members, thereby enabling them to contribute optimally to the health and well-being of society.

  • Representing the interests of medical and dental professionals in Sierra Leone, advocating for policies that improve healthcare delivery.
  • Providing continuous education and training opportunities for medical and dental practitioners to enhance their skills and knowledge.
  • Promoting high standards of medical and dental practice to ensure quality healthcare for the population.
  • Facilitating collaboration among healthcare professionals, institutions, and organizations to improve health outcomes.
  • Encouraging research in medical and dental fields and contributing to the development of health policies.
  • Raising awareness about health issues and promoting healthy practices within the community.
  • Offering support and resources for members in their professional practice and ethical dilemmas.
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Our executive

Dr Samba Jalloh

Dr Samba Jalloh

Vice President
BSc Hons (FBC, USL), MBChB (COMAHS, USL) Medical Doctor and Researcher
Dr Freddie Coker

Dr Freddie Coker

MB.ChB, MGCPS, FWACS Consultant Paediatrician
Dr Peter Mac-Jajua

Dr Peter Mac-Jajua

Secretary General
MBChB, Registrar, WACP


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